419 research outputs found

    Hybrid normed ideal perturbations of n-tuples of operators II: weak wave operators

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    We prove a general weak existence theorem for wave operators for hybrid normed ideal perturbations. We then use this result to prove the invariance of Lebesgue absolutely continuous parts of n-tuples of commuting hermitian operators under hybrid normed ideal perturbations from a class studied in the first paper of this series.Comment: 9 page

    Volumes of Restricted Minkowski Sums and the Free Analogue of the Entropy Power Inequality

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    In noncommutative probability theory independence can be based on free products instead of tensor products. This yields a highly noncommutative theory: free probability . Here we show that the classical Shannon's entropy power inequality has a counterpart for the free analogue of entropy . The free entropy (introduced recently by the second named author), consistently with Boltzmann's formula S=klogWS=k\log W, was defined via volumes of matricial microstates. Proving the free entropy power inequality naturally becomes a geometric question. Restricting the Minkowski sum of two sets means to specify the set of pairs of points which will be added. The relevant inequality, which holds when the set of "addable" points is sufficiently large, differs from the Brunn-Minkowski inequality by having the exponent 1/n1/n replaced by 2/n2/n. Its proof uses the rearrangement inequality of Brascamp-Lieb-L\"uttinger

    Fuzzy spaces and new random matrix ensembles

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    We analyze the expectation value of observables in a scalar theory on the fuzzy two sphere, represented as a generalized hermitian matrix model. We calculate explicitly the form of the expectation values in the large-N limit and demonstrate that, for any single kind of field (matrix), the distribution of its eigenvalues is still a Wigner semicircle but with a renormalized radius. For observables involving more than one type of matrix we obtain a new distribution corresponding to correlated Wigner semicircles.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Random matrix theory for CPA: Generalization of Wegner's nn--orbital model

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    We introduce a generalization of Wegner's nn-orbital model for the description of randomly disordered systems by replacing his ensemble of Gaussian random matrices by an ensemble of randomly rotated matrices. We calculate the one- and two-particle Green's functions and the conductivity exactly in the limit nn\to\infty. Our solution solves the CPA-equation of the (n=1)(n=1)-Anderson model for arbitrarily distributed disorder. We show how the Lloyd model is included in our model.Comment: 3 pages, Rev-Te

    Spectrum of the Product of Independent Random Gaussian Matrices

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    We show that the eigenvalue density of a product X=X_1 X_2 ... X_M of M independent NxN Gaussian random matrices in the large-N limit is rotationally symmetric in the complex plane and is given by a simple expression rho(z,\bar{z}) = 1/(M\pi\sigma^2} |z|^{-2+2/M} for |z|<\sigma, and is zero for |z|> \sigma. The parameter \sigma corresponds to the radius of the circular support and is related to the amplitude of the Gaussian fluctuations. This form of the eigenvalue density is highly universal. It is identical for products of Gaussian Hermitian, non-Hermitian, real or complex random matrices. It does not change even if the matrices in the product are taken from different Gaussian ensembles. We present a self-contained derivation of this result using a planar diagrammatic technique for Gaussian matrices. We also give a numerical evidence suggesting that this result applies also to matrices whose elements are independent, centered random variables with a finite variance.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, some references adde

    Large N_c confinement and turbulence

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    We suggest that the transition that occurs at large NcN_c in the eigenvalue distribution of a Wilson loop may have a turbulent origin. We arrived at this conclusion by studying the complex-valued inviscid Burgers-Hopf equation that corresponds to the Makeenko-Migdal loop equation, and we demonstrate the appearance of a shock in the spectral flow of the Wilson loop eigenvalues. This picture supplements that of the Durhuus-Olesen transition with a particular realization of disorder. The critical behavior at the formation of the shock allows us to infer exponents that have been measured recently in lattice simulations by Narayanan and Neuberger in d=2d=2 and d=3d=3. Our analysis leads us to speculate that the universal behavior observed in these lattice simulations might be a generic feature of confinement, also in d=4d=4 Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 4 pages, no figures- Some rewriting - Typos corrected - References completed and some correcte

    Rigorous mean field model for CPA: Anderson model with free random variables

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    A model of a randomly disordered system with site-diagonal random energy fluctuations is introduced. It is an extension of Wegner's nn-orbital model to arbitrary eigenvalue distribution in the electronic level space. The new feature is that the random energy values are not assumed to be independent at different sites but free. Freeness of random variables is an analogue of the concept of independence for non-commuting random operators. A possible realization is the ensemble of at different lattice-sites randomly rotated matrices. The one- and two-particle Green functions of the proposed hamiltonian are calculated exactly. The eigenstates are extended and the conductivity is nonvanishing everywhere inside the band. The long-range behaviour and the zero-frequency limit of the two-particle Green function are universal with respect to the eigenvalue distribution in the electronic level space. The solutions solve the CPA-equation for the one- and two-particle Green function of the corresponding Anderson model. Thus our (multi-site) model is a rigorous mean field model for the (single-site) CPA. We show how the Llyod model is included in our model and treat various kinds of noises.Comment: 24 pages, 2 diagrams, Rev-Tex. Diagrams are available from the authors upon reques

    Uniform version of Weyl-von Neumann theorem

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    We prove a "quantified" version of the Weyl-von Neumann theorem, more precisely, we estimate the ranks of approximants to compact operators appearing in the Voiculescu's theorem applied to commutative algebras. This allows considerable simplifications in uniform K-homology theory, namely it shows that one can represent all the uniform K-homology classes on a fixed Hilbert space with a fixed *-representation of C_0(X), for a large class of spaces X

    Asymptotic mean density of sub-unitary ensemble

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    The large N limit of mean spectral density for the ensemble of NxN sub-unitary matrices derived by Wei and Fyodorov (J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 50201) is calculated by a modification of the saddle point method. It is shown that the result coincides with the one obtained within the free probability theory by Haagerup and Larsen (J. Funct. Anal. 176 (2000) 331)

    Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Products of Rectangular Gaussian Random Matrices

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    We derive exact analytic expressions for the distributions of eigenvalues and singular values for the product of an arbitrary number of independent rectangular Gaussian random matrices in the limit of large matrix dimensions. We show that they both have power-law behavior at zero and determine the corresponding powers. We also propose a heuristic form of finite size corrections to these expressions which very well approximates the distributions for matrices of finite dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure